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Chinese translation for "flag fall"


Related Translations:
flag:  n.1.旗〔cf. banner, ensign, pennant, standard, colours〕; 【航海】司令旗,旗舰旗;旗舰。2.(狗、鹿等的)茸尾。3.〔 pl.〕 (鹰等)脚部长羽,(鸟的)次级飞羽。4.报头(印刷报名处〕。短语和例子a black flag 黑旗〔海盗旗或升在监狱外宣布执行死刑的旗〕。 a yellow flag 黄旗,检疫旗。 a wh
flagging:  短语和例子flagging1n.1.石板路。2.〔集合词〕(铺路用的)石板。adj.1.下垂的。2.萎靡不振的,松弛的,逐渐衰退的。n.下垂,松弛。adv.-ly
guide flag:  【军事】标旗,指示旗。
sick flag:  检疫旗。
flag commander:  【军事】海军中校参谋。
house flag:  【航海】(商船的)公司旗。
flag camer:  国家航空公司。
signal flag:  信号旗。
national flag:  [ensign] 国旗。
flag lieutenant:  【军事】海军上尉参谋,海军将官的副官。
Example Sentences:
1.Lantau island flag fall first 2 - km
2.The flag fell and , huuh , off , scamper , the mare ran out freshly with o . madden up
3.Flag fall is hk 15 in kowloon and on hong kong island , lower in the new territories and lantau island
4.Alderman robert o reilly emptying the port into his soup before the flag fell , bobbob lapping it for the inner alderman
5.By the time hamilton rejoined the circuit there was insufficient time for him to complete his out - lap before the chequered flag fell
6.Urban taxis are red , green in the new territories and blue on lantau island . flag falls respectively are hk 15 , 12 . 50 and 12 for the first two kilometres
香港的计程车共有三种颜色,分别行走于不同地区:市区为红色新界为绿色大屿山为蓝色,首2公里起表收费分别为港币15 12 . 5及12 ,之后每0 . 2
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